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"A Mascot Design"

My responsibilities during when i participated for this proposal was as the head-artist of the group. Our job was to create a proposal for a 2023 "Got To Walk Event" including ideas of the venue, social media presence and the like.

I was responsible for the design for a mascot, as I have proposed to my group the idea of including a narrative to the event, convincing people to play-along and get hooked.

Early Darrie and El (1).png

The Story of the event revolved around the idea of a Scientist Darrrie from the future whose travelled to the past to find her missing pet, a time-travelling robot named El. Participants of the event where to engage with several activities of exercise as they learn not only the means to be fit, but also find the location of El.

This was to not only promote exercise, but to make it fun for the whole family as children will be under the impression that the event is a game, whilst parents can play along.

"Darrie and El" (Concept)

Early Character Drafts (1).jpeg
Early Character Drafts (7).jpeg

"Darrie with a more tired human look"

"Darrie with more waves"

(too look more fun)

"Darrie with both styles combined"

Whilst i was still deciding the final look for Darrie, It was decided by me and the group that the current El design looked to boring and unlike a pet, so a re-design was in order. The team leader gave the idea of using a chinchilla as a base for the design, as she had experience of owning a chinchilla and noted their mischievous nature to be perfect for the character of El. 

Early Character Drafts (5).jpeg

"El as a Chinchilla"

"After all that, the final Mascot Designs"


"Darrie's final design"

Darrie searching.png

"Darrie looking through a magnifying glass"


"Darrie going through a time-portal

"Darrie using sci-fi like gadgets"

Chinchila el-1.png

"El's final design"

"Wall Minigame, Find the EL!!"

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